Last post of the year, and I’d like to share my experience with journaling and time management. I started six years ago to improve my time management skills and stay focused. I’m not selling anything and don’t have a magic formula, but I hope my experience can help someone. As you may know, my interest lies in computer science, but I also enjoy running (10k and half marathons, which requires time for training). I always have some side projects that help me learn something new, i read a lot and last but not least, I’m a husband and father of three. At the end of the post, you’ll find a bibliography of the books that inspired me (as usual, NO referral links. When I want money from you, I’ll ask directly 😄).
My journal notebook begins with an index. After that, I divide four pages into 12 blocks, one for each month. In every block, I write down what I already know will happen in that month (for example, paying taxes).

Then, I create a page for my goals at five-year, one-year, and three-month intervals. By ‘goals,’ I mean both professional and personal objectives. At the end of three months, I perform a review to check on what has happened.